Fr. James Miller Celebrating 65th Anniversary

Fr. James Miller Celebrating 65th Anniversary

Congratulations to Fr. James Miller, C.PP.S., who this year is celebrating the 65th anniversary of his ordination. A native of Gettysburg, Pa., Fr. Miller was ordained in September 1954. After his ordination, he served at the following parishes: St. Ann, Toledo...
Fr. Paul Wohlwend to Mark 65th Anniversary

Fr. Paul Wohlwend to Mark 65th Anniversary

Congratulations to Fr. Paul Wohlwend, C.PP.S., who this year is celebrating the 65th anniversary of his ordination. Fr. Wohlwend was born in Akron and raised in Suffield, Ohio, and in his home parish of St. Joseph in Randolph, Ohio. He entered Brunnerdale, the...
Celebrating 60 years as a Religious Brother

Celebrating 60 years as a Religious Brother

Congratulations to Br. Theophane Woodall, C.PP.S., who this year is celebrating the 60th anniversary of his profession. Br. Theophane, a native of Miamisburg, Ohio, entered the Society in 1953 and was professed on August 15, 1959. After his profession, Br. Theophane...
Br. Ben Basile to Mark 50th Anniversary

Br. Ben Basile to Mark 50th Anniversary

Congratulations to Br. Benjamin Basile, C.PP.S., who this year is celebrating the 50th anniversary of his profession as a religious brother. A native of Moorestown, N.J., Brother Ben entered the Society in 1966 and made profession on August 15, 1969. Brother Ben...
The Re-Membering of Christ

The Re-Membering of Christ

By Fr. Tim McFarland, C.PP.S. Many of our “mature” readers may recall carrying photos of loved ones in our wallets or purses. These have become obsolete. Now we carry lots of photos on our phones. These photos remind us of cherished memories, of loved ones and...
Missionaries of the Precious Blood